Private 1-on-1 and online tutoring for all ages

If you’re looking for private 1-on-1 or online tutoring for your child, we can help. We have a wide range of online tutors who are experienced in working with children of all ages, and we’ll be able to match you with the right online tutor for your needs. We’re here to help your child succeed, and we’re friendly and supportive every step of the way.

More about us
online tutoring

Our online tutoring covers the following areas

We offer GCSE tutoring, A-Level tutoring and 11+ tutoring in a wide range of subjects. Our tutors are friendly and experienced, and they will work with you to help you reach your academic goals.

GCSE Tutoring

At My Learning Room, our GCSE tutoring is led by experienced professionals who know how to get the best out of your child. We offer a tailored approach that is designed to meet the needs of each individual student, and we are confident that we can help your child reach their potential.

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11+ Tutoring

With over 15 years of experience, our online tutors are experts in the field and know exactly what it takes to succeed in the 11 plus exams. Lessons are tailored to each individual child’s needs and focus on critical thinking, problem-solving, and confidence-building.

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A Level Tutoring

Our A level tutors are experienced professionals who know what it takes to succeed. With our individualised approach, we can cater to your child’s specific needs. Our one to one online tutoring service makes learning convenient and easy to plan around.

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Our Online Tutors

At My Learning Room, we work hard to ensure we recruit only the best online tutors for our online tuition services. All of the online tutors we employ have been extensively vetted to make sure they have the right qualifications and experience to deliver a high-quality teaching service, and all are highly skilled and qualified in their chosen subject.

We also provide ongoing training for our tutors, so you can be sure that they are up to date with the latest teaching methods, techniques and exam boards.

Meet our tutors

Our Pass Rates

We are very proud of our high success rate, and our online tutors have helped thousands of students achieve their academic goals.

Some of our key statistics and recent figures include:

11+ 2023 – 100% pass rate

GCSE 2023 – 80% grade 7 and above

A Level 2023 – 85% all grades achieved A*-B


We understand that every child and learner is unique, and strive to provide a tailored and personalised approach to each and every one of our students.

Our one to one online tutoring service is designed to help your child reach their academic potential, no matter what their strengths or weaknesses may be – and our results really do speak for themselves.

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How Our Online Tutoring Company Works

We are an online tuition service, so all of our tutoring takes place via video conference. This makes it easy for you to stay connected with your child’s learning and to monitor their progress. We also offer flexible scheduling options, so you can rest assured that our tutors will find a time that works for both parties.

All of our lessons are one-to-one, and this means your child will receive undivided attention from their online tutor. We also provide regular feedback and reports, so you can keep track of your child’s progress and make sure they are meeting their academic goals.

parent and child on computer during online tutoring session

Flexible Online Tutoring

Finding time for tutoring is another common issue for many families – life can be hectic, and it can be tricky to slot in the time.

To help, we offer a range of flexible scheduling options. This way, you can be sure your child will get the online tuition they need at a time that works for them, whether that is during traditional school hours for home schooled children or holiday tuition, or evenings and weekends to fit around a busy lifestyle.

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How Much Does An Online Tutor Cost?

Our online tutors start from £22p/h. With My Learning Room,  you won’t pay anything until you’ve found a great online tutor, had a chat with them and booked your first lesson. No sign up fees. No subscriptions. Just plain pay-as-you-go.

How Does Online Tutoring Work?

We have an online lesson space with video chat, messaging and an interactive whiteboard – this makes it easy for students and online tutors to talk to each other, share documents discuss tricky concepts and do exam practice together. With the live video chat, they can have a natural back-and-forth conversation

What Days and Times Do You Tutor?

We work around your availability to ensure that we find a time that suits you best, including evenings and weekends.


Do Your Tutors Have A DBS Check?

Yes, all of our online tutors have a DBS check.


What Are The Benefits Of Online Tutoring?

Online tutoring can be of great help to any student. With the assistance of our shared interactive whiteboard and video chat, students can strengthen their understanding of topic areas and boost confidence in those weaker areas. We are also able to provide them with support and practice in preparing for their upcoming exams.

Speak to us today

At My Learning Room, we’ve been helping children reach their learning potential for years, offering our online tutoring service all over the country. We know what it takes to get results and, with our individualised approach, we can cater to your child’s specific needs and help them excel in their academic life.

Speak to us today Book a call